Electric six gay bar youtube

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He is one the most sought after creatives right now.ĭr. Kinney has made films, and creatively directed for i-D, Medea, Maison Margiela, Coach x Kiko Mizuhara and Burberry. Farahmand is the brains behind Electric Six's 'Gay Bar' Video.Ĭreative Director of NOWNESS and Editorial Director of Dazed Media, Bunny Kinney, also showed us a special short film. His film has been accepted in the Edinburgh Internation Film Festival. Music Video Director and filmmaker Saam Farahmand showed us his new short-film 'A Portrait of the Artist Angus Fairhurst' that dramatises a moment in 1991 from the life of notoriously indefinable YBA artist Angus Fairhurst. Rebekah Louisa Smith for a film screening and talk at Sarabande. NOWNESS and Dazed's Bunney Kinney teamed up with music video director/ filmmaker Saam Farahmand and 'The Film Festival Doctor', Dr.

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GET YOUR FILM SEEN! Lights, Camera, Action!

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